PMID 23549480.^ Tonikian, Raffi Xin, Xiaofeng Toret, Christopher P. 'SH3 interactome conserves general function over specific form'. PMID 10322416.^ a b Xin, Xiaofeng Gfeller, David Cheng, Jackie Tonikian, Raffi Sun, Lin Guo, Ailan Lopez, Lianet Pavlenco, Alevtina Akintobi, Adenrele (). 'SH2 and SH3 domains: elements that control interactions of cytoplasmic signaling proteins'. PMID 8193536.^ Koch CA, Anderson D, Moran MF, Ellis C, Pawson T (May 1991). Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 'Protein modules and signalling networks'. 'Signalling through SH2 and SH3 domains'. 'SH3-an abundant protein domain in search of a function'. PMID 11256992.^ Musacchio A, Gibson T, Lehto VP, Saraste M (July 1992). Nevertheless, orthologous SH3 domain-mediated interactions are highly rewired between worm and yeast.Proteins with SH3 domainSignal transducing adaptor proteinsCDC24Cdc25PI3 kinasePhospholipaseRas GTPase-activating proteinVav proto-oncogeneGRB2p54 S6 kinase 2 (S6K2)SH3D21C10orf76 (potentially)STAC3Some myosinsSHANK1,2,3ARHGAP12C8orf46TANGO1IntegraseFocal Adhesion Kinase (FAK, PTK2)Proline-rich tyrosine kinase (Pyk2, CADTK, PTK2beta)TRIP10 (cip4)See alsoSrc homology 2 domain-containingStructural domainReferences^ Pawson T, Schlessingert J (July 1993). Other SH3 binding motifs have emerged and are still emerging in the course of various molecular studies, highlighting the versatility of this domain.SH3 interactomesSH3 domain mediated protein-protein interaction networks, i.e., SH3 interactomes, revealed that worm SH3 interactome resembles the analogous yeast network because it is significantly enriched for proteins with roles in endocytosis. Examples are the C-terminal SH3 domains of adaptor proteins like Grb2 and Mona (a.k.a. More recently, SH3 domains that bind to a core consensus motif R-x-x-K have been described. The sequence binds to the hydrophobic pocket of the SH3 domain. Classical SH3 domains are restricted in humans to intracellular proteins, although the small human MIA family of extracellular proteins also contain a domain with an SH3-like fold.Many SH3-binding epitopes of proteins have a consensus sequence that can be represented as a regular expression or Short linear motif:-X-P-p-X-P- 1 2 3 4 5with 1 and 4 being aliphatic amino acids, 2 and 5 always and 3 sometimes being proline. The SH3-type fold is an ancient fold found in eukaryotes as well as prokaryotes.Peptide bindingThe classical SH3 domain is usually found in proteins that interact with other proteins and mediate assembly of specific protein complexes, typically via binding to proline-rich peptides in their respective binding partner. The linker regions may contain short helices. In addition to that, the SH3 domain was responsible for controlling protein-protein interactions in the signal transduction pathways and regulating the interactions of proteins involved in the cytoplasmic signaling.Contents1 Structure2 Peptide binding3 SH3 interactomes4 Proteins with SH3 domain5 See also6 References7 External linksStructureThe SH3 domain has a characteristic beta-barrel fold that consists of five or six β-strands arranged as two tightly packed anti-parallel β sheets. Approximately 300 SH3 domains are found in proteins encoded in the human genome. Interacting with tyrosine kinases SH3 proteins usually bind far away from the active site. The SH3 proteins interact with adaptor proteins and tyrosine kinases. SH3 domains are found in proteins of signaling pathways regulating the cytoskeleton, the Ras protein, and the Src kinase and many others. It has also been identified in several other protein families such as: PI3 Kinase, Ras GTPase-activating protein, CDC24 and cdc25. This domain is also present in the molecules of phospholipase and several cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases such as Abl and Src. Initially, SH3 was described as a conserved sequence in the viral adaptor protein v-Crk.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search SH3 domainRibbon diagram of the SH3 domain, alpha spectrin, from chicken (PDB accession code 1SHG), colored from blue (N-terminus) to red (C-terminus).IdentifiersSymbolSH3_1PfamPF00018Pfam clanCL0010InterProIPR001452SMARTSM00326PROSITEPS50002SCOPe1shfSUPERFAMILY1shfCDDcd00174Available protein structures:PfamstructuresPDBRCSB PDB PDBe PDBjPDBsumstructure summaryThe SRC Homology 3 Domain (or SH3 domain) is a small protein domain of about 60 amino acid residues.